Find what interests them, one of my boys is truly into ocean animals so we get non-fiction books with great deals of images. My other son is into history and weapons, not surprisingly, so he's read about the American Indians and their weapons.

There are 2 kinds of individuals who think about reading as a luxury: the ones that don't have time for reading and the ones that don't make time for opening a book.
It is real that readers are leaders, and real leaders are readers. Not a couple of people Must-read books are not checking out life-impacting books. They have a thousand and one reasons why they do not enjoying Reading Books. But what essentially is the cause? Absence of interest? Absence of self-control? Laziness? Addiction to Facebook, Twitter, and so on?
I am unsure if it is the book or the fact that you are investing quality time with them; Undivided time that they will remember for their whole life. Checking out to kids is among the most bonding experiences you can have.
Do not fret if at very first you do not get their attention. Blame the illustrations to help you relate the images with words. This will help to enhance their spoken skills and acquaint your kid with books.
An ideal complement to stimulate their desire to learn is to do activities that match the style of their readings. For example, if you like books about the universe, accompany the planetarium.